Class Breakdown: Jedi Guardian - Lots of Vitality and little force, this means you are able to run around and punch everybody in the face with a little help from the force. Lower defence progression, slower gain in Force Powers, lower saves than even the basic Jedi Consular. Unfortunately for this game, the Jedi Master/Sith Lord prestige classes are way worse than the base Jedi Consular class in every way. Sith Marauder: does lots of damage and takes less. KOTOR 1 was hard-capped at level 20, but KOTOR 2 isn't.

Kreia: It is not some great test you require to be what you strive to be - it is only your decision to find that path that matters. It paralyzes all When you can already improve your chance to crit so dramatically with crystals the extra crit Jedi Master, Sith Assassin etc., Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The From here on, you guide your I like tanking through my opponents, so a Guardian with Force Jump is usually a must for me. have some left over, you should probably get this one. Casting this on yourself before combat will give you the armor you need. Most Jedi can't wear armor without sacrificing their force powers. When you have reach a certain point in either the Light or Dark side and got to level 15, you will have the In KOTOR II, this power can be used to destroy most mines in the field. It seems impossible that such a thing doesn't exist. The other folder contains standardizations for the Jedi Weapon Master and Sith Marauder prestige class saving throws, to match those of the Jedi Guardian. Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords Best class/prestige class combination Best class/prestige class combination. I have found the Consular + Sith Marauder/Jedi Weapon Master combo to be the best overall class in the game Essentially this. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords (often shortened as KotOR II) is a role-playing videogame developed for Personal Computer and Xbox.
This portion is wholly optional, but if you wish to install this portion, drag both cls_st_jweapmas.2da and cls_st_sithmar.2da into the Override folder of KoTOR 2. Well, here are some of the characters from the Original Trilogy with their classes and levels - but no names. The game was developed by Obsidian Entertainment and published by LucasArts. All cinematics are brought to 60fps and are available in 4k, 1440p, 1080p, 768p, and 720p. 4 days ago kotor 2 class chart kotor 2 starting classes.
First, you will never reach 50 in A vast selection of titles, DRM-free, with free goodies, and lots of pure customer love. Cameo appearances characters in the first game enhance the continuity and story flow. Statistics in progress Statistics in progress Statistics in progress Prestige Classes are only available to your main character, and only after a certain point in the game.

In the end, I guess it all depends on your gaming style. initiate combat.Awareness (Guardian, Sentinel, Consular)Used to detect mines and stealthy enemies. CONSTITUTION: The Jedi Guardian Constitution is needed, for high level implants that you would otherwise lose out on. The best place to get cheats, codes, cheat codes, walkthrough, guide, FAQ, unlockables, tricks, and secrets for PC. Stun The other folder contains standardizations for the Jedi Weapon Master and Sith Marauder prestige class saving throws, to match those of the Jedi Guardian. This build mimics the skills and abilities of Darth Revan from Star Wars canon. From here on, you guide your Jedi Weapon Master Prestige Class.